

The UnSugar

To include honey in the category of “sweeteners” risks missing a more significant message. Yes, honey is sweet...but honey is more than just a sweetener. It is a wonderful, natural, historic food containing secrets that have been hidden or ignored for too long.


Sourcing Organic Honey From Jungle Flowers in Mexico

There are thousands of honey varietals found around the world (more than 350 in the U.S. alone), and each has its own distinctive floral character. For Blume Honey Water, we chose an organic honey from the jungles in the Yucatan of Mexico to take advantage of the beautifully diverse flavors and aromas this honey bestow on our waters.

Honey and Sugar?

The biggest difference: sugar is just sweet, honey actually has flavor. Both sweeteners contain glucose and fructose. However, during the manufacturing of sugar, the organic acids, protein, nitrogen elements, enzymes and vitamins in the sugar cane are destroyed, whereas honey, a natural sweetener, subjected only to minimal heating maintains all of its beneficial properties. Honey has certain beneficial antioxidants and antimicrobial properties which are not present in cane sugars.

 Seasonal Honey



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We are here and there and everywhere. Join us. We’re nice. We love bees, beautiful gardens, good food and bee-friendly honey.
